Wednesday night we went for tapas at the 9th Door downtown. We had just finished enjoying our dinner and drinks when the girl who had parked behind us came over to remind us that the 2 hour meter was up. We cashed out in a hurry and turned the corner to see the meter maid slowly making his way down the row. (Their new vehicles are called chariots, true story.) We kicked our scallop and wine-filled selves into high gear and got to the car just in time. Not gettin’ my $25 today, busta!
Thursday we signed the lease (and also signed over our life’s savings..) and got to move in to our humble abode. Ahh, having my clothes in a closet again instead of in my trunk. What luxury. I also got an email back about possible work with a local florist. So Thursday was a good day. And since we moved with no furniture, that meant that the upcoming weekend would be full of garage sales and Craigslist. Oh yeah!
I had signed up for the Denver Gypsy Boys mailing list before we even got to Denver—they’re a company that hosts estate sales. And one of the awesome perks of unemployment is getting to hit up the sales on Friday morning before they get picked over. So Friday morning, we were on the prowl.
The sale was in a huge two story house with an attic, a basement, and an outside shed. And it was PACKED. With both stuff and shoppers. Shawn “officially does not like estate sales” after that experience, FYI. But we did end up with some good finds.. an old plant stand that has now become our bar, some funny hooks that I will soon be making into a key holder and a toaster oven that was actually brand new. Not too shabby. We packed up the Civ and started looking for more sales.
I should also mention at this point that we spent the first night in our new place sleeping on a “palette” which conjured up memories in my head of Jess and I sleeping on an air mattress in our empty $1900 apartment for a week in New York while we waited for our furniture to arrive. Only this time there was no furniture on its way, so if we wanted good sleep we’d have to find it ourselves. After a few calls and stops at some rather creepy mattress stores, I spoke with a guy who seemed normal enough. A few hours later.. the old girl was loaded up again.
Shawn was working that night so I went with Robyn and some of her friends to the Santa Fe Art Walk. Very cool stuff. Unfortunately art is rather far down the list of things to buy at this moment.. but it was nice to walk around and see the sights. Definitely a serious art scene here.
Tapas, drinks, craigslisting and sleeping on the floor, hmm sounds somewhat familiar..Aw the circle of life! haha Love the blog!